Hello Ninja!

Misty Dorman here and after over a decade of struggling and wanting more in my personal life and home business, I have FINALLY found what works!

I have been making some HUGE changes in my life over the past two years and I’m finally unlocking the secrets to living a life I don’t need a vacation from.  I cannot WAIT to share with you all of the amazing things I’ve been learning!

Here are just a few of the big changes I’ve made RECENTLY to Become the Life Ninja I Was Made to Be…

  • Fall 2016 – Made a drastic decision to get rid of 90% of our stuff and move into an RV with our family of four, in order to simplify our lives (because we’re crazy, not because we’re broke).  Goal: Less junk, more journey!  Less mess, less stress!
  • Fall 2017 – After being stationary for a year in our 5th wheel, we decided to downsize again to a class C (drive-able RV) instead of buying a big truck to pull our 5th wheel around.  Goal: Actually starting to go on adventures!
  • January 2018 – After over a decade of struggling and then starting to follow some very successful trainers in the network marketing industry, I decided to make a leap to a different network marketing company, so I could hitch my wagon to them & learn everything I could about how they achieved their success. Goal: Build a home business that could retire my husband from his day job, so we could adventure FULL TIME in 2-3 years!

I have new priorities and perspective on life and resources and tools like never before, to help me live the life I want.  If you’re ready to join me on this journey, I am dedicated to helping you do the same.  I want to help YOU live a life you don’t need a vacation from…the life YOU’VE been dreaming of.  How would it feel to be healthy, energetic, excited about life, have less stress, go on amazing adventures, work a home business that you love and are passionate about and actually brings home the bacon?

I am just getting started with this website and populating it with amazing value for you and I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned.  Please visit my FaceBook page for more information.  I’ve been putting out great training and inspiration there already and I’d love to connect with you.