I've got you, Boo (even if you're kind of awkward like me.)

Enter your info below to grab my Top 10

Facebook Live Video Tips.

Picture of Misty Dorman and her two kids doing a live video
Top 10 Facebook Live Tips - Uplevel your live video skills & attract raving fans

This is For You If..

  • You have a home business you promote on social media.

  • You’re ready to up your live video game while also staying true to your unique awkwardness & imperfection.

  • You want more eyeballs & engagement on your content.

  • You’re sick of hearing crickets on your posts.

Are You Ready To Start Turning Your Followers Into Raving Fans, Foaming At The Mouth For

What You're Offering?

More sales and signups are waiting for you on the other side of this click.  Your home business isn’t going to grow itself.

Hey, I'm Misty Dorman!

I did a LOT of struggling in home biz quicksand before I started researching, learning from, and interviewing top earners, to learn their exact systems for getting customers and recruiting.  And now I'm sharing their secrets.  It all boils down to having solid systems and implementing consistently. Not just any systems though.  I'm going to peel back the curtain for you, so you don't have to waste time (like I did), figuring it all out.