Discover 6 ways using Pinterest Marketing can help you get more engagement for your home business. If you want to increase engagement, starting a Pinterest Marketing strategy can help. Pinterest Marketing for Beginners. Pinterest Marketing Tips. Visual Marketing. Pinterest Marketing Strategy. Pinterest Marketing Ideas. #pinterestmarketing #pinterestmarketingstrategy #pinterestmarketingideas #businessengagement #beginnermarketingtips
Why should you use Pinterest to get more engagement for your home business?  If you’ve ever used Pinterest, then you know how powerful its visual images can be. With so much content to peruse, it’s easy to find yourself sitting for hours pinning interesting articles, recipes, crafts and more. The platform simply lends itself well to certain types of material. The benefits it can offer your business go well beyond its emotional appeal to users. Take a look at these tried and true reasons to use Pinterest to get more engagement with your brand if you want to see a significant increase in user interaction and sales and don’t forget to pick up your free Pinterest Setup for Success Checklist.

Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).

Pinterest is Google-Friendly – Use Pinterest to Get More Engagement

Material found on Pinterest is high ranking when it comes to SEO. Both boards and individual pins can rank right at the top of Google search results MUCH easier than trying to get a new blog post there on it’s own.

Ninja Tip

Name your boards with simple, straightforward titles (i.e. “Keto Recipes for Beginners” instead of “Yum Yum Keto”).  Use names that the average person would type to find you and your offerings.  Use pin titles and descriptions that are keyword-rich.  When you do this, you’re sure to see an increase in followers, who have the potential to become fans and loyal customers!

Take a look at these Google search results for “home business planner.”  The first results are from products on sites registered with Google shopping.  Next are two Etsy results.  Then comes Pinterest even BEFORE the Google Image results!

Example of how Pinterest pins rank high in google search results

If you want to rank for specific search terms on Google, why not get your content on a website that already has huge SEO clout (I’m talking about Pinterest)?

Increase Sales Conversions with Pinterest Marketing to Get More Engagement

Visual marketing is a powerful tool because well-delivered images appeal to the senses and the emotions. Pinterest has shown to be quite successful in sales conversion. If an individual is attracted enough to your content to spend a few minutes with it and actually pin it to their own boards, they’re more likely to actually act on making a purchase.  Not only that, but people are SEARCHING Pinterest with buying intention.

Maximize Brand Exposure with Pinterest Marketing to Get More Engagement

Pinterest allows your pins to not only be seen by those who choose to follow you, but also to their followers. Your public boards can gain immense traction if they contain content that appeals to a wide variety of people. The type of pins that tend to take off can be rather eclectic or random, but taking time to create something that is both appealing to look at and informative to many will increase its chances of being pinned.

Ninja Tip

It USED TO BE recommended that you create multiple boards for your pin to live on, which greatly increased your exposure.  For example, you could create a more generic board called “Keto Recipes” and then niche down with more specific boards like “Keto Breakfast Recipes,” “Keto Lunch Recipes,” “Keto Dinner Recipes,” “Keto Snack Recipes,” “Keto Recipes for Beginners,” etc.  You get the point.  Then when you created an easy Keto lunch recipe, you’d have at least 3 boards to add it to over the course of a few days.


Pinterest made some algorithm changes in early 2021 that completely changed everything. It is NO LONGER RECOMMENDED to share your own pin to multiple boards.  Go ahead and create multiple boards as I described, but ONLY pin your pin to the most relevantly keyworded board.  If you want to pin to multiple boards, make a NEW pin for every board you wish to pin this piece of content to. To give your pin an extra exposure boost, you can use Tailwind‘s Communities feature which gets others sharing your pin for you.

10 simple steps to set up your pinterest for success in business

Grab your free checklist

Set up your Pinterest account for business success in 10 easy steps.

Increase Social Influence with Pinterest Marketing to Get More Engagement

You’ll find that Pinterest is a very socially-influential platform. Its users often form communities among like-minded individuals surrounding a hobby, lifestyle, product or any number of interests. These types of social connections, along with the mere emotional pull of visual material, can  lead to immediately making a purchase or planning for a future buy.  I myself have reached out to users I recognized from Pinterest to invite them to a summit I hosted or thank them for sharing my pin.  This has led to some great collaborations and even opportunities to guest blog.

The Domino Effect – Maximize Your Time with Pinterest Marketing to Get More Engagement

The fact that Pinterest activity is ruled primarily by users sharing the interesting things they find, brands actually have to invest little time in order to see some benefit. Of course, the more active and involved you are in maintaining your boards and sharing pins, the higher your return will be. However, the actual time and energy you need to spend on your Pinterest marketing is far less than that of other platforms that require constant monitoring and engaging with followers.  Why? Because when one person shares, then their friends see it and some of them share, then their friends see it and share and before you know it, your awesome pin is viral 🙂

Pinterest Marketing and Social Media Integration to Get More Engagement

It’s easy to share your pins to other social media sites, even to your own blog through embedding. You can tweet your pin, share it to Facebook or send it to another user through a message. This gives you a great deal of versatility and increases your reach with just a click of a button or two.

These are some of the most common and universal reasons to use Pinterest for your brand marketing. There are lots of other features and benefits that apply to various types of business, and new capabilities are often added. Give Pinterest a try and see what an impact it can have on your brand.

Need some help getting started with Pinterest?

10 simple steps to set up your pinterest for success in business

Grab your free checklist

Set up your Pinterest account for business success in 10 easy steps.

Misty Dorman Signature - Go do the dang thing

P.S. – Did this inspire you or bring you value? Don’t forget to share &/or pin this post. I appreciate it sooooo much!

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Discover 6 ways using Pinterest Marketing can help you get more engagement for your home business. If you want to increase engagement, starting a Pinterest Marketing strategy can help. Pinterest Marketing for Beginners. Pinterest Marketing Tips. Visual Marketing. Pinterest Marketing Strategy. Pinterest Marketing Ideas. #pinterestmarketing #pinterestmarketingstrategy #pinterestmarketingideas #businessengagement #beginnermarketingtips