You know that online marketing is a necessary fact of life for most businesses today, but you may be wondering if Pinterest Marketing will work for your business specifically. Customers and clients are using social media online platforms to share their lives, catch up with friends and family, network for their business and more…. but what about Pinterest?
Clearly, it’s important for your business to have a presence online, but keeping up with every networking site out there would be impossible without a good-sized team. You’ve probably heard a lot of buzz going around lately about how good Pinterest can be for business, but how do you know if it’s worth the investment of time or money for YOUR business?
Below are 3 tips to help you determine if Pinterest is the right platform for your business and brand.

Grab your free checklist
Set up your Pinterest account for business success in 10 easy steps.
Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).
1 - Do Your Perfect Prospects Hang out on Pinterest?
It’s time to do some research to find out whether your perfect prospect falls into the demographic of the average Pinterest user. Research the latest information regarding who’s using Pinterest to get a feel if your average customer may fall into these groups.
The vast majority of this platform’s users have always been female, with a median age of around 40. It definitely makes sense to consider spending some time marketing here if your customers are mature women. However, there ARE men on Pinterest too and stats show women buy tons of gifts for the men in their lives… so if your target audience is men, think consider whether you might be able to test marketing your product to women.
Here are a couple sites with Pinterest demographics, so you can get some further insights.
Don’t skip over this step. These stats will blow your mind & really get you considering what a powerful marketing tool Pinterest can be for your business.
Would you like to know why I think you’re literally throwing money away if you’re not considering Pinterest as a marketing tool? Here’s a live training I did in the Life Ninjas Community.
I know, I know, the video cut off right when I was about to show you how you could get my exact plug & play Pinterest Profit System. Don’t worry! You can learn all about Pinterest Profit System here.
2- Does Your Brand Lend Itself to Visual Content?
Pinterest is a content curation site in which users pin (aka save) the blog posts, articles and products that interest them. All of these pins are graphically represented. Pins must be visually appealing if they’re to stand out among the crowd. Logically, it wouldn’t make sense to spend a lot of time and effort here if your business is one that can’t be represented well through graphics.
It is possible to create graphics that are related to your product or service if you don’t have a large variety of photo-worthy content. People love quotes, and you could always produce lovely images to go with your posts if you have a blog.
Creativity is necessary when it comes to using Pinterest.
Just be sure you feel confident in your ability to generate pin-worthy (value-driven) content on a regular basis. Pinterest requires consistency if you want to maximize your exposure. If you’re unable to make new pins regularly, you can hire a VA to do this for you.

3 - Evaluate Your Resources

Grab your free checklist
Set up your Pinterest account for business success in 10 easy steps.
So what do you think? Are you going to get serious about using Pinterest Marketing to grow your business?
P.S. – Did this inspire you or bring you value? Don’t forget to share &/or pin this post. I appreciate it sooooo much!
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