Why should you start a blog for your network marketing (direct sales, mlm) business?
I’m going to keep this pretty short & sweet today.
If you are using the daily checklist in the S.M.A.R.T. P.L.A.N. Guide, you are already in the habit of providing value & tips regularly on social media. You probably also have a replicated website provided to you by your network marketing company. So why might you need a blog too?
Would you like to bring in more sales and signups/recruits into your network marketing business? Keep reading. Here are my top reasons to start a network marketing blog.
Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).
1 - A Network Marketing Blog Gives You Authority
If you want to look like someone who knows what you’re doing and is at the top or on your way quickly, you need to posture yourself as an authority figure. Yes, providing value on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) can help, but it’s only a start (and let’s be honest, it takes a lot of effort to actively prospect).
If you want what they want, do what they do, right? Think about the influencers you follow. Do they have a blog? You bet! And it’s not something everybody is doing, so it helps you stand out as an expert if you do it right.
This is probably a good place for me to mention this too… You need to be branding YOU, not your direct sales company. What that means is you are putting yourself out there as the expert on a topic. If you sell weight loss products, for example, you’re not going to just spam your products constantly.
Although a company-replicated website is great for closing sale & signups, don’t you still need to attract people to YOU before you send them there? You have no way to truly add any value to what’s there to position yourself as an authority. And what happens if your direct sales company goes out of business? There goes your website.
Instead, you’ll create your own blog and design your blog around some niche topic like “keto for moms” and then you will sprinkle links to your favorite products where they make sense. This allows you to promote ANY products that help your target readers and if your network marketing company closes shop, it doesn’t leave you high & dry. You just change your links & promote a different set of products that you love.
2 - A Network Marketing Blog Gives You More Avenues for Targeted Traffic
Do you want more eyeballs on your stuff? Of course you do! Having a blog where you share your knowledge with the world means another place people can find you.
A blog also opens you up to more ways to bring traffic in if you optimize and market it properly. I can’t wait to show you in a future post how much free traffic (and how many email subscribers) I’ve been getting from Pinterest.
Let me just show you the power of this…
3 - A Network Marketing Blog is Step 1 for a Powerful Funnel
What’s a funnel? In simple terms, it’s a series of steps people go through to interact with you & purchase your step. People naturally weed themselves out if they’re not a good fit for what you offer and at the bottom of your funnel are your most highly qualified, most interested prospects & buyers.
If you’re using the S.M.A.R.T. P.L.A.N. Guide checklist to grow your business, you are actively searching out potential prospects & starting new conversations with people to sift & sort the ones you want to develop a relationship with. There is nothing wrong with that & you should keep doing it at least until you have other ways of pulling in targeted leads & prospects.
Having your own website changes the game!
This is exactly how I moved from active prospecting (finding people to chat with on Facebook, aka me searching for them) to a more passive prospecting method (targeted leads searching for me) & starting your own blog is really the first step.
Here’s a simple look at the process people go through as they find me:
- Someone sees one of my pins on Pinterest (this is how most of my people find me now)
- The most interested people click to learn more & read my blog post.
- From that blog post, they click to get a freebie I’ve created and sign up for my email list.
- They get exposed to my paid offers and some prospects turn into buyers before I’ve ever even talked to them.
- They are prompted to sign up for my Life Ninjas Facebook group where they can get more training & tips & interact with & get support from other like-minded action-taking entrepreneurs.
- Those who sign up fill out the group questions, where I learn what their biggest struggles are in their network marketing business. (In the previous example, it might be a “Keto Tips for Moms” type group). They then get a personal message from me where I’m able to build rapport with them, offer advice or point them to other products or training (my own or an affiliate link), and create future training materials to address their struggles.
I also send out occasional emails to drip out more value to my email subscribers & they go back to step 2.
Can you see how when they’ve gone through this process, those who aren’t the best fit for me or my training have weeded themselves out… and those who are a great fit already view me as an authority, respect my opinion & advice, and are super activated to me & what I teach before I’ve ever even interacted with them personally?
When I message these people, they’re excited to talk to me and I’m excited to talk to them as well because I know they’re my people. The fear of rejection is gone because they already like me & I can help them & keep dripping value onto them even if they’re not ready to buy something.
Is this blowing your mind a little bit? Are you seeing the power here?
What if You Have No Idea How to Start a Blog for Your Network Marketing Business?
No worries! In the next blog post, we’re going to go over exactly how to create and start your blog in 15 minutes or less using WordPress and a super simple web builder that’s drag & drop easy.
Are you ready to start automating your prospects and having more leads coming in to you on autopilot?
See you there!
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