Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty

Ok, so to be completely transparent, I come from the position that you actually SHOULD start your own home business, side hustle, or whatever you want to call it… and create real residual income and financial freedom for yourself.  But what’s holding you back from living the life of your dreams?  What’s keeping you stuck?  Is it your mindset?

Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).

I recently came across a list of 10 Broke Mindset Excuses on FaceBook that I wanted to share.  I don’t know who to credit for the original list, but I did tweak it quite a bit.

It's time for a reality check. You can't be a life ninja if you're stuck in a broke mindset.Click To Tweet

It’s time for a reality check.  You can’t be a life ninja if you’re stuck in a broke mindset.  Don’t make up lame excuses!  I share this in good humor and in hopes of inspiring you to be your best and stop making excuses.  You were not born to be mediocre or live a mediocre life.  If you’ve got a longing for something more, make it happen 🙂

Top 10 Broke Mindset Excuses

What’s ACTUALLY keeping you from claiming your future & taking charge of your life?

😒Excuse 1 – I don’t have the money.

💩 But you have money for Jordan’s, Gucci, Cable TV, Red Bottoms, The Club, Upgrade on a new Smartphone, etc? (Don’t get me wrong, some people are truly broke… but in my experience, if you want something bad enough, you’ll do anything to make it happen.)

😒Excuse 2 – I don’t have the time.

⌛️Lies! You give your job 10-14 hours a day for most of your week. Do you want to keep working like a dog for forever or bust your butt now doing something that could free up your time and bring you massive residual income in a few years?

😒Excuse 3 – I don’t have the patience.

💔 But you have patience for traffic, a boss, coworkers, children, low pay, living paycheck to paycheck, not being able to do the things you really want to do, and someone in control of your life?

😒Excuse 4 – I’m going to do it someday.

👺No you won’t. “Someday” is not a day of the week. If you don’t take action, “someday” never comes.

😒Excuse 5 – Can you pay for me to start?

👎🏽 Heck to the no!  You won’t slack or quit on my dime – Level up, Friend!

😒Excuse 6 – If I have to invest in myself it must be a Scam.

☠️ The real scam is being paid a salary or wage to give up on your own dreams, to build someone else’s, and never being able to spend time with your family. (Of course, if working for someone else IS your dream and you have no aspirations of growing a side hustle residual income, you can ignore all of this.)

😒Excuse 7 – I’m not good at selling.

❌ You sold yourself at the interview for your job with the performance of a lifetime. You sold yourself to your significant other. You sold your best friend on your favorite restaurant or movie. Don’t sell yourself short.

😒Excuse 8 – I can’t because it will interfere with my welfare or disability.

♿️Welfare isn’t residual income🤦‍♂️Do you want to stay dependent on that forever or create your own future?

😒Excuse 9 – My boss will find out.

👿Your Boss is not your Master nor controls you, Slavery ended many years ago. If you’re that afraid of your boss, all the more reason to become your own boss.

😒Excuse 10 – I’m SCARED I will fail.

😳 Not if you believe in yourself and hustle hard for success 💯

With this type of thinking you limit yourself, you will stay in a sunken place and you will always struggle.👀

Excuses or Money💰?

Both are hard.🤔

Choose your hard🔑

Misty Dorman signature - productivity tips, home business tips, network marketing tips, attraction marketing tips

P.S. – Did this inspire you or bring you value, don’t forget to share &/or pin this. I appreciate it sooooo much!

If you’re ready to take some serious action but don’t know where to start, click here to see how I can further help you.  I will show you a solid plan mapped out so you know exactly what to do to create that time and money freedom you’ve been craving.  But you have to do the work and clear your head of the lame excuses that keep you broke.

If you’ve got a network marketing business & are just not sure what to do every day to attract people to your business, products, or service, I’ve got you, Boo.  Click the image below to pick up my free daily action plan & start getting more people interested in what it is that you’re doing or selling.

free pdf download DMO Daily Action Plan for Network Marketers with daily action steps (secret strategy) to grow your MLM business

Time to go slay it like a ninja!

Pin it now, read it Later:

Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty

Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty

Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty

Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty

Your mindset may be why making money in your home business is such a challenge. The law of attraction means your thoughts could actually be repelling wealth! Funny tips for entrepreneurs to make you laugh. Repin and grab my free printable daily network marketing checklist and learn how to get more leads with social attraction marketing on FaceBook! #lifeninjas #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #socialmediatips #moneymindset #moneytips #marketingtips via @lifeninjamisty via @lifeninjamisty