Hey Ninja!
Today I want to help you process through why your own mind (your money mindset) might be stopping you from getting the results and success you want in your home business… so you can rise up & take action. Sound good?
It’s time for a couple more truth bombs today, but it’s all in love and to help you create the success you’re dreaming about.
If you don’t know me, I am Misty Dorman and it is my personal goal to help you live out your true potential and be more awesome at life & just become the life ninja that you were created to be.
Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).
Watch this video to learn how your mindset may be stopping you from creating your own success story and/or read below:
Ninja Truth Bomb
Ok… let’s dive in! Here’s your first truth bomb: this is NETWORK marketing & we can’t market if we have no NETWORK. We HAVE to be reaching out to more people!
It’s NOT about results. You’ve got to marry the process, divorce the results. This is about training ourselves to be bolder and reaching out to more numbers. If you contact only TEN people a day, that’s THREE HUNDRED people a month that you’ve reached out to about your product, service, or business opportunity. What? When you’ve got 297 more people to talk to, who cares if the first 3 said “no”?
How many people are on your FaceBook list?
How many of those have you talked to about what you have to offer?
Here’s an action step for you. Make a commitment to go out and talk to TEN people a day for the next month. Put it on your calendar. Just do it. Don’t go to bed until it’s done each day. Just commit, regardless of the outcome each day.
Even if you have ZERO results from your first month of talking to 10 new people a day, you are gaining practice, confidence, getting out of your own mind, & building your algorithms. I guarantee even if you have 300 “No”s, by the time that first month is over, you will have a lot of people stalking your wall & watching what you’re doing.
Ninja Tip
FaceBook Business Tip: Make sure to post at least once a day and have some good lifestyle, curiosity, and story posts there to attract new followers.Click To TweetMake sure to give them something to stalk. Make sure to post at least once a day and have some good lifestyle, curiosity, or story posts up there. Don’t do a blatant product or business post too often. Maybe only once a week. And DO NOT use your product or company name. Why? Because you lose control & people just go google themselves down a rabbit hole without ever even talking to you.
Not Sure Where to Start? I Got You, Boo!
I recently released a free strategy guide for network marketers. It’s a daily checklist, a posting plan, a weekly plan, a tracker… all rolled into one. If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, really consider giving it a try. It’s going to help get you started with attraction marketing and working your business the right way without scaring people away. It’s going to get you posting valuable content and give you ideas of who to reach out to each day & where to find people. It could give you that extra edge you need to create better results. Click here to grab your copy.
Let’s Fix Your Mindset
Ok, let’s talk about mindset for a quick minute…
Always be careful with the words you’re using with yourself. Something Danelle Delgado said at our VIP Mastermind training last weekend that stuck with me was this: Taste your words before you spit them out. Don’t try to fool your brain. Get your thoughts straight. If you contact people with doubt, you’ll get doubt. If you think it’s too expensive, they’ll think it’s too expensive. Be confident about what you have to offer. It’s not for you to decide if they say yes or no. But you sure as heck can give them the option.
Parent yourself. You wouldn’t tell your kids it’s ok to go out there & be average or not stand up for themselves. Why do you allow negative thoughts in your own head? Why do you allow YOURSELF to be mediocre? Mindset is everything. When those thoughts creep in, talk to yourself like you would your children.
Parent yourself. You wouldn't tell your kids it's ok to go out there & be average or not stand up for themselves. Why do you allow negative thoughts in your own head? Why do you allow YOURSELF to be mediocre?Click To TweetDon’t focus on what you’re trying to be. Embrace what you ARE: your TRUE SELF. You have something AMAZING to share with people: a miracle in your mouth! Think about this: Who is missing out if you don’t share? Who loses if you don’t win?
Bonus Ninja Tip
When you’re contacting people, don’t just spam them with your link or your info. Actually be a human being and talk to them. Give them the info when they ASK for it. If they’re not interested in hearing about it, that’s ok. Still have a conversation with them. They’ll be MORE impressed that you continued to build rapport with them after they said “No” and trust me, they’ll be watching you (so remember to give them something to look at).
Quick Question…
Did you find me through FaceBook? Have you been watching me at all this year? Have you seen some of my posts & videos on FaceBook? Have you been stalking me a little bit? Have you seen me taking fun trips and hanging out with some really amazing people and building a home business that’s actually growing and working me toward financial freedom?
You know I’m not crazy, right? I am seriously just an average person who had no success in home business before and just found the right opportunity & the right people to help me start making it happen the right way. If you’ve been watching me & are even just a LITTLE bit curious about what I’ve been doing, but have been too afraid to ask, just click the “Work With Me” link at the top of this page. I’m happy to send you some info. This is a ZERO pressure way for you to just take a look & see if it fits you too.
P.S. – Did this inspire you or bring you value, don’t forget to share &/or pin this. I appreciate it sooooo much!
If you’re ready to take some serious action but don’t know where to start, click here to see how I can further help you. I will show you a solid plan mapped out so you know exactly what to do to create that time and money freedom you’ve been craving. But you have to do the work and clear your head of the lame excuses that keep you broke.
If you’ve got a network marketing business & are just not sure what to do every day to attract people to your business, products, or service, I’ve got you, Boo. Click the image below to pick up my free daily action plan & start getting more people interested in what it is that you’re doing or selling.
Time to go slay it like a ninja!
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