Getting super organized can save you soooooo much wasted time in your home business (keep reading, there’s a good tip below). This is something I’m going to be focusing on teaching more because it’s something I think a lot of people struggle with. In fact, I’m willing to bet you are just as crazy, overwhelmed & bursting with ideas as I am.
If you’re a network marketer like me, even if you don’t have a blog, you’re constantly brainstorming content and post ideas for Facebook or Instagram. You may be searching for something else on Pinterest and up pops a blog post or YouTube video with a cool idea that you want to mimic on your Facebook wall.
But what do you do with all of those ideas? What happens to them if you don’t write them down? And what happens if you allow yourself to read that blog or watch that YouTube video right now when you were in a good flow focusing on another task?
Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).
Distractions Are Huge Time-Suckers
Do you ever find yourself clicking on a training video someone recommends & before you know it, you’ve watched 7 more videos, you’re kicking yourself for another wasted day not making real progress in your business, and consoling yourself over a bowl of ice cream as you Netflix yourself to sleep? Been there (except it’s usually with cookie dough).
This ONE Hack Will Save You Tons of Time and Keep You Focused
I’ve been putting some extra time lately into developing some real systems to keep my information, ideas, projects, daily activities, etc super organized. One day not too far into creating my systems, I noticed tangible evidence that it’s WORKING!
I created an Airtable board to organize my ideas for content, so when I sit down to create, I never have an excuse that I don’t know what to write about. That one benefit right there, would probably be enough to make it worth it, but I noticed another side effect of my new habit…
I was doing my daily personal development when *squirrel* I suddenly saw a recommendation of a good training video on YouTube. As was my habit, I immediately, I clicked it… but then something crazy happened…
Instead of watching it & getting sucked into a rabbit hole of other ideas & thoughts, I copied the link went over to my content ideas board, jotted down the topic idea, pasted in my inspiration link, closed it out, and went back to doing what I was supposed to be focusing on.
Say what? Who is this girl?
With this one new little habit, now I only lose that 30 minutes of time IF and when I decide to create a training on that topic. Bye bye, shiny object syndrome! You distract me from my dreams, my purpose, my money-making activities, and making my biggest impact on this world.
I’m not writing this to toot my own horn though. I’m writing this to encourage YOU to start building better habits into your day by creating systems. It can start with just ONE system for organizing your content ideas.
Decide on a good spot to make a brain dump of all of your content ideas. Airtable and Trello are fabulous options. I started mine in Trello, but am now migrating it over to Airtable because I like it’s super cool grouping, sorting, & other databasey features.
Grid/Database view:

Kanban view (Trello style):

Great option if you’re more visual:

I’ll talk more on tools in other posts, but for now the key is that you stop letting shiny objects distract you by creating a space where you can put your ideas as they pop up. Pick a tool that works with how your brain likes to organize things & USE IT.
Create a new habit. It will take some time to get used to this new way of thinking, but once you do, you are going to save yourself so much time by minimizing the distractions.
Bonus Ninja Tip: Find ONE thing to Focus On
Now that you’re creating a good habit for dealing with distracting ideas, let’s take it a step further…
The most successful people I know have all told me this:

Get good at ONE THING..I mean REALLY good at ONE thing. Master it before moving on. That means ONE marketing strategy, ONE product/opportunity that you primarily promote. One thing mastered before moving onto the next.
For a deeper dive into this “one thing” concept, check out this book. I’m actually listening to the audio version right now.
If You’re a Network Marketer:
Ninja Action-Taker Questions:
What if you spent the next 6 months mastering the FREE daily attraction marketing action plan that I’ve laid out for you?
What if you refused to let your head hit the pillow until you tackled even just 80% of that checklist each day?
Would it even be possible for you to fail?
What would it do for your business? Your confidence? Your family? Your future?
What results might you have?
What’s stopping you from finding out?
Why not start NOW?
In case you don’t have it yet, grab your action plan here and don’t forget to go create your brain dump board in Airtable or Trello, so you can keep those distractions at bay while you focus on your primary daily objectives.
P.S. – Did this inspire you or bring you value? Don’t forget to share &/or pin this post. I appreciate it sooooo much!
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