Today, I want to share with you my best tips on how to build a network marketing business quickly (and it’s probably not how you think). I struggled for over a decade, through 5 different companies and having zero success, so I know all too well what it’s like to feel stuck.
When I finally found the right strategies and the right company to build my network marketing business, my team started growing quickly and I know you can replicate that in your network marketing business as well (even if you’re starting with very little influence and don’t want to bug your friends and family).
No where in this post will you see me mention that I did home or online parties… because I didn’t.
Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).
Table of Contents
Let’s dive in!
First, you’re going to want to pick up this free daily action plan checklist. After countless hours of attraction marketing training & mentorship from my 6 & 7 figure upline, I documented it all in this blueprint of exactly what activities they were doing every day to build their business online without doing parties or sales calls. If you’re trying to build a network marketing business quickly, this guide is ESSENTIAL.
Next, here’s a video I recorded 5 or 6 months into building with my new network marketing company, where I talk about how I grew my downline team to 18 in just my first 4 months (while only implementing around 60-80% of the guide) and made my first $400-500/mo CONSISTENTLY in network marketing. Yes, I know that’s not mind-blowing, but when you’re coming from zero and no social influence and have two little kids at home, that’s HUGE.
If you take action on these strategies, you can most definitely hit your first $500, $1000, or even $10,000 month. Your journey is yours & the sky is the limit.
If you prefer it in text, skip the video, grab a cup of coffee, and keep reading because this is pretty meaty, but so worth it.
P.S. – I always keep it clean, so it’s safe to listen with your kiddos around.
How I discovered These Amazing Strategies to Build Quickly in Network Marketing...
If you know my story, you know I’m an average typical person who tried out several network marketing companies & even several other home businesses & never had any real success with them. The most I ever recruited to my team was 4 people. Three were my best customers who just wanted the discount (can you relate to that?) and one borrowed hundreds of dollars worth of products that I loaned her to help her get started & then ghosted me when I tried to get them back!
I realized that if I was going to fulfill my big dreams, something needed to change. I started learning about attraction marketing & how to brand myself and have people coming to ME asking ME what I do or how I can help them…. but I had a problem… It was looking like a lot of work to implement what I wanted to do with the network marketing company I was in at the time. I wanted a business that fully supported what I was learning and that wasn’t the case where I was.
So I decided to get bold & reach out to a 7 figure earner and coach & just ask what company he was in. And oh my gosh, what he showed me BLEW MY MIND!
I finally understood why I was spinning my wheels before. Then I realized it was silly to try to replicate what he was doing in my current company when literally EVERYTHING I needed to be successful was available to me in this new company… so I made a leap into my SIXTH network marketing company. I got immediate access to the mentorship of some major rock stars in the direct sales industry, thousands of dollars worth of attraction marketing training, the tools & strategies that actually work. Not to mention they didn’t have me doing parties or going broke buying inventory! I decided to get focused & do what they taught me & it WORKED!
So How Does That Help YOU Build YOUR Network Marketing Business Quickly?
I’m going to share with you exactly what I learned right now!
Here’s exactly how I started to build my network marketing business quickly (so you can implement the strategies into YOUR business and recruit new team members and get more customers faster)…
Tip #1: Stop Spamming Your Product Names & Links Everywhere
First, I stopped spamming my company name & products all over the place. That’s called REPULSION marketing. I wanted to ATTRACT people to me, not push them away.
You know you hate doing it & it makes you feel slimy, so let’s just pinky promise right now that you are going to stop pushing your product names & links on your Facebook wall.
What can you do instead?
- Create curiosity and provide value. Become the go-to person on your topic (not your product, but your topic) by sharing tips and create curiosity so interested people have to ask you for more information.
- Start genuine conversations with people who comment on and like your posts, without pushing your products, service, or opportunity on them. People want to feel cared about. People buy people in today’s world, not products, so be a human first. They love to buy things, but they don’t want to be sold to. They like to feel like they discovered something cool.
Tip #2: Launch (or Re-Launch) Your Business
I LAUNCHED my business. And I learned from my leaders & my new company & loads of attraction marketing training how to do so without annoying everyone.
I don’t understand when people say they are afraid to tell people about their new home business. If you were opening a cupcake store you would tell everyone you know that they better get their butt to your grand opening. You would be proud to share about it and it wouldn’t be awkward to do so either. They would be excited to support you.
In the same way, you don’t have to make it all weird to launch (or re-launch) your network marketing business. It’s a GOOD thing to share with your people the things you’re excited about and what’s going on in your life. You can do it without spamming them or being salesy.
People need to know that you have a thing that you offer. They’re not just going to magically know about it (but DO NOT FORGET TIP #1).
Tip #3: Personal Development EVERY DAY
If you want to be successful, you NEED to be learning something every day. You are running a business. You weren’t born knowing how to do that.
Getting good at something like this and requires tons of training and practice. It stretches you. You have to get uncomfortable, so you can grow. If you are catching yourself saying things like “I just don’t know how to do that” or “She’s got so much more influence than I do,” STOP IT! Stop it right now.
EVERYONE starts at square 1. You need to turn that frustration into fascination. You basically have two choices. You either give up on this dream you said you had or you start learning the habits, traits, systems, & strategies of people who have the life you want to live. They are no more special than you are. They’re just a few steps ahead of you.
Investing in your own personal development is absolutely at the top of the list for building your network marketing business.
What I did? I took courses, listened to audio books, read blog posts, listened to podcasts, and I studied top leaders in the industry & in my company. I asked questions. Then I realized I was getting a bit too much shiny object syndrome and I wanted to expand into training other network marketers (not just my team), so I invested an insane amount of money into VIP mentorship to get my business on the fast track for success.
It is worth it to invest in yourself and your business and if you need direction about this, hit me up any time through the Life Ninjas Free Community and I am happy to help you determine what mentorship path or course is right for you.
Tip #4: Take Action!
I went through the training that was available to me and I actually implemented it.
This is where so many people fall short.
You can’t get stuck in training mode. You have to DO what you learn. Take action! If you need help with what action to take every day, pick up this free network marketing daily action plan. Seriously, you can stop wasting brain calories wondering what to do every day & just sit down & work through the checklist & start seeing results.
Tip #5: Talk to People
When I first started, I contacted some specific people & let them know I had a business opportunity that they NEEDED to take a look at. I didn’t do it in a needy way. Remember, people don’t want to be convinced and that shouldn’t be your goal.
But I knew these people would be mad at me if 6 months from now I was making big bucks & they didn’t even know about the opportunity.
So I told them something like…
Hey, I know you told me you were looking for some extra income before to help you ________. Is that still true?
This may or may not be for you, but I think you really need to take a look at this thing that I found. It's the best work from home opportunity I've come across so far (total no-brainer) & I'm going to run HARD with it, so I didn't want you to get mad at me later for not letting you know about it. If you want some info, there's a video I can share with you. Just let me know.
Make sure to wait for their answer after you ask if they’re still looking for extra income. Your closest peeps will WANT to learn more about it when you talk to them like this (like you cared enough to think of them), rather than pitching them.
Talk to people. This is NETWORK marketing.
Bonus points if you do this as a voice message & personalize it to them a little rather than having it look like something you copied & pasted to everyone.
Tip #6: Use the Resources Available to You (Or Create Some)
What do I mean by this? It has largely to do with systems. Yes you want to plug into whatever training you have available on your team, but it’s much more than that. Here are the systems within our team that made the biggest impact for me to build my network marketing business quickly.
- Our team uses a very simple, duplicatable system for prospecting. When someone develops curiosity about what I’m doing, I offer to share more info with them. Then, with their permission, I add them to a prospecting group on Facebook and tag them on a welcome post that leads them to watch a couple of videos about the product or our company. The videos do most of the selling for me & the group is an amazing sea of testimonials that reinforce how awesome it is, so all I have to do is follow up & help them make the best decision for their needs. What do you do if you don’t have a group like this? You have a few options. You could make one, you could point them to some other piece of information provided by your company or team, or you can join a team that does. The point is, don’t let this stop you. You are an action-taking life ninja! If you don’t have it, make it or get it. It keeps you from explaining the same thing over & over again (like the comp plan or why your thing is so awesome) and from getting in the bad habit of trying to convince people. You are not convincing. You are sifting & sorting. You are helping those who are ready for it and right for it. Bless and release the rest.
- My leaders do group chats to help us close people – that’s HUGE! We DO NOT spend hours on the phone doing 3-way calls. We use Facebook messenger. Basically, if someone’s on the fence, I introduce them to my upline (edifying how awesome they are) & then I kind of shut up & let them get to know each other. 3-way chats are not only an amazing way to help people who are sitting on the fence to make a decision, but they’re also an amazing way for you to learn from your upline. Study how they talk, so you can learn to do this for your own downline. What if no one in your upline will do this for you? Find someone in your sideline or even your downline & help each other out. If your team is not supportive, why are you on this team? Either create the environment you want to be in or join one you do. It’s YOUR business. 3-way chats will drastically improve your closing ratios and allow your new recruits to get out there & take massive action FAST.
Tip #7: Provide Value and Curiosity
I mentioned this a little already, but one of the biggest things that helped me build my network marketing business quickly was learning how to pull in more new (cold market) people to friend or follow me & look at my wall. Not just that but also how to provide VALUE and CURIOSITY on my wall and in the FB groups I’m in, which attracts them to ask me what I do.
This is called attraction marketing and if you want to know the exact activities I did every day to build my network marketing team, you can grab your free copy of the S.M.A.R.T. P.L.A.N. Guide I created for you. It’s literally the exact list our team uses to build their business online, curated from hours of training and talking to 6 & 7 figure earners.
I also dive deeper into the nitty gritty about HOW to do each of the daily activities in the 5-Day Home Biz Kick-in-the-Pants Workshop. If you’re looking at the daily checklist & you are ready to take action but still feeling like you don’t know what to do, the KITP course is the best thing you can do for your business right now. We even get into how to post for posture and profit, so you can become the go-to authority on your topic and get people regularly asking for more info.
Tip #8: Team Support
I mentioned this a little before but having solid support from your upline can make or break you when you’re new and building your business. I want to go a little deeper into that though because this is about more than having a team that provides regular training about what’s working and not working in the industry TODAY (which is also super important).
Something I realized when I joined my network marketing company is that the big leaders in my upline are watching me & my team to see who’s working. I really started to notice this when I saw my upline rewarding those of us who are working hard & showing good leadership skills by placing people in our downline! Say what? YES!
Why would they do that?
Well it happens for multiple reasons. When I joined my company directly under one of the tippy top leaders, I got moved a couple weeks later. He did this because he recruits hundreds of people and although he is available to us all and supports us all, he can’t personally give tons of one on one attention to everyone. He reserves those spots for the huge influencers that he recruits.
It’s really a win-win. He gets a buffer so the newbies are only hitting him with their most important needs or 3-way chats. Then the newbies get another layer (or 2 or 3) of excellent leaders & trainers above them to use as resources to help them as they build.
It was one of the best things that could have happened to me because I immediately got access to double the training, plus one of the top coaches on rapport building, prospecting, and recruiting at my fingertips.
And it’s been so neat being able to bless my own downline by placing my own recruits under them as well.
What can you learn from this if your company doesn’t allow you to move your recruits like ours does?
The leaders in your company are watching for action takers on their team. They will give the most time, support, and training to those who are taking action. You want that to be you.
I have made a huge point to make myself valuable to my upline and my entire team and it’s gained me so much, including being able to room with my upline and become really great friends. This is a woman who charges $600+/hr to her coaching clients and I got tons of time to chat with her & see how she works. I have become her go-to person for technical things and even been able to participate in strategy sessions with much higher-ranked leaders.
Make yourself valuable to your upline & they will be happy to share their time & expertise with you in return.
P.S. - Did this inspire you or bring you value, don't forget to share &/or pin this. I appreciate it sooooo much!
If you're ready to take some serious action but don't know where to start, click here to see how I can further help you. I will show you a solid plan mapped out so you know exactly what to do to create that time and money freedom you've been craving. But you have to do the work and clear your head of the lame excuses that keep you broke.
If you've got a network marketing business & are just not sure what to do every day to attract people to your business, products, or service, I've got you, Boo. Click the image below to pick up my free daily action plan & start getting more people interested in what it is that you're doing or selling.
Time to go slay it like a ninja!
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